BMG™ Singleton Radical Healing Matrix


The Singleton Radical Healing Matrix is a BioMorphic Geometry (BMG) tool that enables the user to transmit healing energy over vast distances, transcending both space and time. This unique Matrix allows you to work on yourself, or on anyone else all around the world!

By simply writing the intention for healing on a piece of paper, and placing it in the center of the matrix, the BMG design ‘transmits’ the intention of healing to the intended receiver, regardless of their location on Earth.

The BMG Singleton Radical Healing Matrix comes with a detailed instruction guide, including examples of specific healing intentions you can use right away to begin your healing journey.

Disclaimer: The information, techniques and tools herein pertain to subtle energy principles and are not medical in nature. Nothing contained herein seeks to diagnose or treat any medical condition, nor to replace competent medical diagnosis and treatment.

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