What are the benefits of the Rings of Oden?

  • Enhance your healing potential in many ways:

  • Optimize positive and negative charged ion flow throughout the body.

  • Assist in pulling Bacterial, Viral, Fungal, and Parasitic Residues from the body, which may cause Lyme Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Arthritis, IBS, and more.

  • Enhance Mental Clarity, Endocrine and Chakra Balance, and Immune System Function

  • Facilitate the release of Anxiety/Fear, Frustration/Anger, Guilt/Remorse, and Sadness/Grief patterns that may cause Panic Attacks, Phobias, Depression, Eating Disorders, etc.

  • Assist removal of Metals, Insecticides, and other Toxins from the body.

  • Strengthen and cleanse the Liver, Gallbladder, Kidneys, and other organs.

  • Enhance 3 Eye/Intuition, Light-Body Transition, and much more!

The Rings of Oden may be held in the hands, placed directly on the body, or placed in specific sacred geometry configurations beneath a non-metal-frame chair, or bed or massage table (wooden or plastic). The Rings are manufactured in small (3” diameter), medium (5 ¾”) and large (8 ¾”) sizes, with a multitude of applications. Holding a pair of small (3”) Super-Charger Rings amplifies the healing effects of sitting or lying over multiple Ring configurations and optimizes the endocrine and chakra flow in the body simultaneously.

What is Net-Neutral Ionic Energy? How does this revolutionary new technology work? The EOL Rings of Oden™ and the other Ionic healing products are carrier tools for this revolutionary new technology — “Net-Neutral Ionic™ Energy.” Energy is embedded into each carrier tool by the exclusive EOL Net-Neutral Ion Generator Device (IG-N), a light energy generator, which converts positive and negative ions into a stream of particles in which each particle has both positive and negative ionic potential (net-neutral particles). Light resonance in the body is accelerated and attuned to specific frequencies that create a new energy vibration. Darkness, or illness, is primarily the absence or distortion of light, or inadequate energy vibrational frequencies. The ionic energy converts light into motion, which resonates the subatomic particles of mass, thereby weakening the magnetic field that holds together the structure of the atom. The body’s Inner Knowing takes either the positive or the negative charge it needs for healing, and discharges the rest.

The Rings of Oden combine a spiraling vortex of the Net-Neutral Ionic™ Energy, and if used in multiple Ring configurations as sacred geometry, are the most powerful of all the carrier tools.

EOL Rings of Oden is Atlantean/Lemurian in origin, and is about purifying and enhancing light and the body’s resonance to light rays and particles to the levels necessary for Light-Body Transition and the amazing DNA changes we are all undergoing. It’s about our bodies becoming less dense, and more “light-filled.”

To purchase the small Rings of Oden, click here:


To purchase the medium Rings of Oden, click here:


To purchase the large Rings of Oden, click here:


Please call our office if you’re interested in purchasing a small, moderate, or full set.

Using 2 rings enhances the energy flow of all meridians and more.

Rings Of Oden™

New Technology for Quantum Healing!

All sound going through the rings is enhanced.

A vortex created by the ring carries the frequency of crystals, oils, etc. deep into the body.

Plants grow vigorously when placed in the ring.

There are over 450 ring configurations. Below are a few examples of the formations.

For those of you looking to use the rings on the body, here is a list of conditions and placements that will aid in your healing.

The Rings of Oden™ are part of a collection of dynamic, cutting edge vibrational tools based on a revolutionary new technology — “Net-Neutral Ionic™ Energy,” created by Aaron Singleton.

These unique and powerful Rings create an energy vortex of net-neutral energy particles that increase light resonance in the body, causing denser, "stuck" areas to open and flow normally. When placed directly on the body, the Rings' light resonance may penetrate 7-9 cm, creating a vortex to draw out toxic energy. The body's needs at that moment regulate whether the vortex transmits in or draws out. The spiraling vortex of energy created by the Rings is more versatile and more powerful than a pyramid, and adaptable to numerous healing applications for both practitioners and lay people. The Rings combine Lemurian/Atlantean Technologies, Sacred Geometry, Crop Circles, Cell Microbiology, DNA Holographic Re-Patterning, and more!

Clear and enhance the absorbability & hydration of the water.