BMG™ EMF Release Cards


Protect Yourself from Electro-Magnetic Frequencies with the BMG™ EMF Release Cards

These BioMorphic Geometry™ cards were designed to break-up and release Electro-Magnetic Frequency (EMF) residues from the body. The unique BMG™ design interacts with your DNA and body to help you release EMFs (including 5G) you’ve picked up from your phone, laptop, satellite radio, etc.

EMF’s may cause: headaches, fatigue, hyperactivity, allergies, immune dysfunction, emotional highs and lows, disruptions in brain and glandular function, sleep, and more

Disclaimer: The information, techniques and tools herein pertain to subtle energy principles and are not medical in nature. Nothing contained herein seeks to diagnose or treat any medical condition, nor to replace competent medical diagnosis and treatment

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