BMG™ Aura/Bioplasmic Field Repair Matrix


The BMG Bioplasmic Field Repair Matrix allows practitioners and laypersons alike to rapidly and successfully repair the Aura & Bioplasmic Field (BPF) in a single session. The matrix typically accomplishes the repair process in about 20 minutes.

The Aura/Bioplasmic Field is an electromagnetic field that surrounds the body; it is a very organized subset of the auric field that contains data, programs and instructions. It is your body’s intelligence system that organizes and stores information and reflects it back to the body almost like a template, orchestrating function, structure, repair protocols, and metabolism.

Disclaimer: The information, techniques and tools herein pertain to subtle energy principles and are not medical in nature. Nothing contained herein seeks to diagnose or treat any medical condition, nor to replace competent medical diagnosis and treatment.

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