BMG™ Happy Pad - EMF Eliminator Mousepad


Named for the happy little face that appears in the design, the BMG Happy Pad eliminates electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by computers, cell phones, GPS, satellite radio, bluetooth devices, WiFi, hybrid or electric vehicles, airplane travel, and more.

The Happy Pad uses BioMorphic Geometry to clear your body and environment of harmful EMFs, which may reduce or eliminate many of the common side-effects of EMF exposure.

The unique design on the BMG Happy Pad interacts with your DNA, body and energy fields to neutralize EMF residues and create a protective EMF-free zone with a 65-foot radius in each direction.

Use it at your computer or anywhere else in your home to create a neutral EMF-free zone! ‘Happy’ also makes a great travel companion - keep on in your car, or with you on a plane, or in your hotel room.

The information, techniques and tools herein pertain to subtle energy principles and are not medical in nature. Nothing contained herein seeks to diagnose or treat any medical condition, nor to replace competent medical diagnosis and treatment

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